I'm only seeing a few records/folders in my vault, but I have more than 50 records in my vault. What am I doing wrong?

If you are only seeing a few records in your vault when you know you have more than 50 records, there could be a couple of reasons for this issue.

1. Check your filters: Make sure that you haven't applied any search filters that are limiting the results you see. You can check the search field and clear any filters applied. In the mobile app, ensure you're under All records view.

2. Check your folder organization: Ensure that the records you are looking for are not stored in a subfolder or a different folder than you are currently viewing. Use the folder organization feature to navigate through your folder structure and locate your records.

3. Check your account synchronization: Verify that you are logged into the same Keeper account on all your devices. If you are using multiple devices, check if the records are synced across all devices. You can also try syncing your vault manually to refresh the records.

If none of these solutions work, it may be best to reach out to Keeper Support Team at suppport@keepersecurity.com for further assistance.

Pro Tip: On our iOS mobile app, double tap the Vault/My Vault button on the bottom left to return to the default view.

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