How do I enable Passkey functionality in Chromium browsers on Android devices?

In our Android app release version 16.8.20, we are proud to announce the incorporation of Passkey support, compatible with Android OS 14. This feature enables users to securely sign into websites by utilizing Passkeys stored within the Keeper Android app. Leveraging autofill functionality, users can conveniently authenticate without reliance on traditional passwords, thereby enhancing both the security and usability of our Android app.

Chrome and other Chromium based browsers do not have Passkey functionality enabled by default on Android devices. Credential Manager must be enabled.

To enable Credential Manager on your Android devices, please follow the below steps:

  1. Open Chrome or Chromium based browser.
  2. Type chrome://flags into the address bar.
  3. In the flags page that opens, tap the search box and search for passkeys

  4. Select Default button to display dropdown menu options and choose Enable for Google Password Manager and 3rd party passkeys.

  5. Click the Relaunch button that appears at the bottom of the browser.

To learn more, please visit:

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